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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wilpattu - more pictures


Wilpattu (the land of lakes) is Sri Lanka’s largest and oldest natural sanctuary, located in the Northwest coast lowland dry zone. The park is 131, 693 hectares and ranges from 0 to 152 meters above sea level and consists of mainly dense forest, shrub and lush vegetation in which it harbours a thriving mass of plant and animal species. Other than the leopards, elephant, sloth bear, water buffalo and spotted deer are a few of the many other mammals inhabiting the sanctuary. The national park also features a wide variety of birds, reptiles and butterflies. It is one of the country’s most diverse ecosystems and home to an abundance of fauna and flora and is a treasured haven for wildlife enthusiasts.

History reveals that Kudrimalai ( or Horse Point ) was visited by a subject of Emperor Claudius in 47 AD, who was blown off course by the monsoon. The local king later sent his own envoys to Rome during the time of Pliny. Also it is said that Prince Vijaya have landed at Kudrimalai Point in 543 BC and the ruins of the local princess Kuweni’s (whom he met and married) palace are valuable proof to the story.